About us

By living our LSSD Values of Caring, Teamwork, Compliance, Continuous Improvement, Respect and Fiscal Stewardship, we create a culture in which people act as a team, working together toward common goals. LSSD’s six fundamental values are part of everything we do.


Apartment design

If you would like to learn more about what’s included in each one of our apartments, please click below.

A dining room with a table and chairs, and several wall decorations.
A group of people sitting at a table eating food.

Indoor & outdoor

We have a wide range on indoor and outdoor activities that engage our residents.

Resident Activities

Life is about having fun and enjoying the company of those around you.

A group of people standing around an old man in clown costume.

Mission & Values

By living our LSSD Values of Caring, Teamwork, Compliance, Continuous Improvement, Respect and Fiscal Stewardship, we create a culture in which people act as a team, working together toward common goals. LSSD’s six fundamental values are part of everything we do.

We care about our residents, more so than a standard landlord-tenant relationship. We recognize that we are serving an elderly population who wish to age in place; our role is to help them do exactly that. We are committed to act with compassion, integrity, honesty and the highest ethical standards in all situations, to listen with respect to others and to value differences. We understand that by providing housing for our elderly population we are serving an integral function for enhancing our community.

All employees at LSSD are part of one team, committed to working together to make the team more capable, efficient, and productive. While each member of the team is assigned to a specific position and is accountable for those duties and responsibilities, everyone is expected to help one another. Our success as a team translates into a positive resident experience. Ultimately, we achieve success as a team and we improve as a team…no one employee is more important than the team.

A key LSSD value is compliance with the regulations and policies which govern our business. In order to comply with state and federal regulations, we must read the regulations, understand them, and be able to apply them in our everyday work.
We are committed to getting better every day in everything we do, as individuals and as teams. We will be successful by always seeking the most efficient, effective, and productive methods to do our jobs. Our Company will be successful by better understanding the needs of our residents, efficient tenant application processing, focused facility project management, strong relationships with community and government agencies, benchmark accounting and financial management, efficient and compliant leasing, certification, and vacancy management practices, and innovation in all that we do.
Very simply, respect is placing everyone with whom you come in contact in high regard. The old adage applies: in order to get respect, you must give respect. Demonstrating respect for fellow employees and our residents is an essential function of employment. While we may not agree with one another, we must respect each other, it is an essential component of the human genome.
Stewardship refers to processes and structures that manage, allocate, and monitor resources critical to the LSSD mission. Stewardship of LSSD’s financial resources include, but is not limited to, fiscal accountability; compliance with laws, regulations, and policies; transparency with all financial transactions; and appropriate internal controls to prevent excessive financial commitments and overspending. Each employee, regardless of position, is accountable for the efficient use of resources.

While respect is mentioned above as one of our core values, it is important that every employee understands that leaders have yet additional responsibility.

Managing with Respect is the way we put our values into action. It creates an environment where employees feel free to offer suggestions, share ideas and make contributions to our organization. Managing with Respect reflects a work environment where people genuinely care about each other and work well together to reach their full potential. The Managing with Respect principles are:

  • Communicate Effectively
  • Give and Seek Feedback
  • Value Unique Contributions
  • Promote Teamwork
  • Set the Example

Our Team

Every one of our team members is devoted to delivering the finest possible designs.

Board of Directors

Richard Murphy – President

Rev. V. Ann Strickert – Vice President

Ron Morella – Treasurer

Hazel Partridge – Secretary

Ruth Lyon – Director

Pastor Charles Ransdell – Director

Barbara Impollonia -Director

Gwen Humphrey – Director

Leadership Team

Kim Mendoza – Executive Director

Jessica Parsons – Deputy Director

Kelly Hauer –  Facilities Director

Patricia Robinson – Director of Social Services

Jessica Balog – Director of Admissions

Sharon Poisson – Director of Accounting

Corrin Parsons – Administrative Coordinator 

Mark Lewin – Computer Support Specialist

Meeting the needs of a growing Elderly population

Combining the passion and tenacity of our true founder, Marilyn Forney, the commitment of Pastors Raymond Best and John Roock, and the legal prowess of jurist, Joshua Twilley, on September 29, 1979, then Senator Joe Biden helped to break ground for what we know as Luther Towers I of Dover, the first high rise apartment complex in the capital city.

As far back as 40 years ago, these trailblazers saw that the demand for affordable housing for seniors far exceeded the available inventory. So, these community minded citizens fought through the strong public opposition to this project and their perseverance paid off. In 1980, Luther Towers I became a reality providing affordable senior housing for nearly 150 people.

Since that first building was erected, six additional apartment structures have been built now housing nearly 470 residents in need.

As the demand for affordable housing for the senior population grows throughout Delaware and our nation, Luther Towers/Village will continue to be the beacon for community responsibility as we perpetuate the vision of Marilyn Forney who vividly saw the need, pursued her vision, and became the pioneer for senior housing in Delaware.

We’re grateful to Ms. Forney and the pastors of Dover’s Lutheran Congregations for establishing a blueprint for safe and affordable housing communities for our deserving seniors, and by doing so, permitting them to age in place.

If you are interested in our community, we hope you will take time and complete an application for residency.